A little bit about me...
I used to spend a lot of time when I was a kid with my two brothers, playing in the woods. That is where l Iearned how to explore.
We’d look for frogs, snakes and turtles, butterflies, dragonflies and fireflies. We’d hike down to the creek with my mom and dad and my grandpa and grandma, and the whole time we would explore, watching nature live in its natural environment.
When I grew up, I never stopped loving nature and I never stopped exploring. Now, besides exploring in the woods, I explore questions. Questions like, "how can this idea turn into something that I could share with the world?"
That's how I became an author, an artist, an editor and a teacher. Can you see how being an explorer when I was a child inspired me to write books like, Soar High, Dragonfly, and My Mindful Walk with Grandma?
If I'm not creating things like books and art and classes, you can find me in the wild-on a mountain or kayaking down a river. Or maybe looking for butterflies or dragonflies. I spend a lot of time with my friends and with my family. I have three daughters. I have two nieces and a nephew. And I have a black and white dog named Willow and a white fluffy dog named Ella.
I live near a tiny pond that is filled with hoppy frogs, and a small field with fireflies that light the night sky. The title of one of my next books that is, "Light the Sky, Firefly!" Can you guess what inspired that book?
I've made my career doing things that are creative. I enjoy teaching kids and visiting your classrooms because kids ask the most beautiful questions!And that is the first step to creativity!
What do you love to do that keeps you curious and creative?
Happy wondering and wonderful creating.
Ms. Sheri
ps the illustration of the chameleon and the girl is from one of my books. It was created by Jonie Stone, a fabulous illustrator!
Here are my dogs Willow and Ella. Willow and Ella join me on a lot of my adventures in the wild. They are great explorers. They are explorers that loves peanut butter!
My ideas cone from what I wonder about and what I care about. One thing I care about it our planet. I feel peaceful when I"m hiking or sitting along a stream.
While I'm in nature, often something draws my attention and I want to know more about it. So I ask questions about it and I do research.
Then I share what I've learned by writing about it. Maybe I write a non-fiction book. Maybe I write a story that has a character inspired by something I discovered.
Can you see how wondering about something can an inspire creativity?
I like to travel to new places. Then I like to learn about the new places I visit, asking all sorts of questions. A lot of times, I'm so inspired, I paint about the beauty I've experienced. But the painting comes from my imagination, so I don't try to make it look exactly like the place I explored. Instead, I mix what I remember with what I'm feeling in the moment, and see what I come up with. Can you notice how experiences can inspire imagination?
Besides writing and painting, I also make things with my hands, like river tables and jewelry. I teach yoga and meditation too. All of this keep me creative and curious.
Can you notice how something you see, can help inspire something you do?
There are six photos in this slide show. Do any inspire you? Do any make you wonder? How could you use one of the photos to come up with an idea, and then how can you express that idea? Which photo might inspire you to write a song? Or a poem? To create a sculpture or to write a story? Create something new to share with the world using one, or more, or all, of the photos...and your imagination! (ps-the puppy is part of my family too. His name is Charlie. )
Look at the collection of photos. Do any of the photos make you curious to learn something you never knew about before? Could you find out something new, either by looking at it or researching it? Now, write about it!
To learn more about the books I've written, you can click on the "books" tab after you go back to the home page. Happy reading and happy creating!